Monday, March 28, 2011

How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying

Review - How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (But With Daniel Radcliffe)

OK, let's get to the burning questions right up front: Can Daniel Radcliffe sing? Yes. His intonation is spot-on, although he did have trouble sustaining some of the longer notes.

Can Daniel Radcliffe dance? Most definitely, and quite well, I might add. Sure, he was a little bit out of breath at the end of "Brotherhood of Man," but that might have been more a function of Rob Ashford's strenuous choreography than of Radcliffe's lung capacity.

But, on a larger level, can Daniel Radcliffe actually carry a Broadway musical?


Of course, my questions refer to How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, a rousing revival of which opened last night at the Al Hirshfeld Theater in New York. At first I thought it was too soon to bring back H2$, since the delightful 1995 revival (featuring Matthew Broderick, Victoria Clark, and Megan Mullally) is still so fresh in the brains of all of us theater queens of a certain age.

But, then, this revival isn't for us theater queens, now is it? It's rather for the multitudes of Harry Potter fans, many of whom hadn't even been born in 1995, but are looking for a chance to see their favorite wizard in person, and maybe in something a bit more accessible than a dated drama about a disturbed young man who blinds a bunch of horses. (See Equus.)

Radcliffe proves himself a showman of the first order, with a charming stage presence and a killer smile. Oh, and his American accent is flawless. But more than just a wonderful vehicle for a young man who more than earns his star billing, this production of How to Succeed is thoroughly enjoyable in its own right, delivering effervescent fun from start to finish.

Mr. Radcliffe's supporting cast is no less deserving of praise. TV favorite John Lar [...]

Thanks, Admin,

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