Friday, April 29, 2011

Billions Watched The Royal Wedding Coverage

With the clock at Westminister Abbey striking eleven, all eyes were at the bride'sgorgeous gown as Kate Middleton descended the car to walk down the aisle with herfather Michael Middleton. Over two billion people watched the live royal weddingcoverage right from the pre nuptial preparations to the moment when the couple leftthe Abbey wed riding on the horse drawn carriage all the way upto the BuckinghamPalace.

While the bridal attire proved to be the best-kept secret after a long time,citizens across the world could not help but marvel at the way so that the ceremonyran smoothly till the very end when Prince William and Kate left the Church officiallyas man and wife.
As the royal wedding coverage of BBC stated, the whole wedding which inspiteof being quite a communal affair had its intimate moments. Social scientist TerriOrbuch who had been watching the royal wedding coverage points out how amidstall the rituals there were little moments of intimacies when both Kate and Williamexchanged quick glances at each other. The rituals of the wedding were quite in syncwith tradition replete with hymns and verses. However, what was different and uniqueabout this royal wedding was the modern and contemporary spirit that made Williamand Kate equals as partners in the nuptial knot. The royal couple stated later after thewedding that they have been moved by the reaction of the public and their supportdoes mean a lot to this wedding, which brings a fairy tale beginning long after a tragicending.

Thanks, Admin,

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