Thursday, April 28, 2011

Choti Bahu Season 2 28th April 2011 Written Update


THE scene starts with the last scene Radhika smiling at the shocked Dev and Dadaji watching and then BB comes and asks who is this girl Radhika pleadingeyes on Dev shocked and dadaji lips trembling BB adds all took blessings and left why is this girl standing here Dev says she has come with the flower people Bma and Radhika is relieved .Suddenly BB notices the trembling lips of Dadaji and she takes his wheelchair taking him inside saying its time for his medicine.She instructs Dev saying that Rohan has finished his bathing let him come down for chowk puja and Dev nods his head and Radhika watching with her ghunghat and looks relieved when BB and dadaji leave.She looks at Dev who seriously says come with me and she smiling goes with him Dev says what happened to u why you have come here what will happen if anyone sees u and Radhika smiles and starts the ceremony and Dev interrupts her saying I have already told u I dont want to listen to anything you are playing with the honour of both the families and she gestures no smiling Dev continues your coming here before marriage and Radhika interrupts him smiling saying in her sweet way I have come after my marriage I am married to u ClapLOL Dev flabbergastedLOLLOL not knowing what to say looks here and there and suddenly Rohan's voice is asking Daima where is Dev and Dev seeing him asks Radhika to go Radhika hides her face and Rohan sees Dev talking to someone and starts coming towards them and Dev tells her to leave immediately Radhika says what I have come to say is very important for both the families and tells Dev to come to the ghat as she will be waiting for him( superb acting by Dev Radhika) Dev watches her go and Rohan comes and asks him who was that Dev tells noone and they keep staring at each other then Rohan smiles and tells Dev there is something very important come with me and takes Dev to Devs roonm Dev says why have we come to my room and Rohan says if i go to my room then peop [...]

Thanks, Admin,

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