Monday, April 4, 2011

PC World: Apple pressured to fix “iPhone” antenna flaw

the iPhone 4

The flap over Apple's problems with the iPhone 4 antenna continues to grow, with marketing and shopper electronics experts calling on the company to take further steps to fix it's reception problem.

Apple has acknowledged that holding the device a certain way interferes by signal quality and has promised a software update. However, on Monday, the influential technology magazine and website Consumer Reports gave the device — and Apple's response to the issue — a failing grade.

The publication said it could not recommend the product until Apple came up with a permanent and free fix, a sentiment a number of industry watchers agreed with on Tuesday.

"If Apple does what Apple should do, then absolutely there should be a recall," said Ken Wong, a marketing professor at Queen's University. "Apple took a silly stance at first. They didn't really express the kind of consumer concern that you would normally expect from Apple, and for which they're best known."

In the United States, several marketing experts said a recall of the iPhone 4 in the five countries where it has launched is "inevitable." Apple did not return a request for comment.

If a recall did happen, the company could find itself short of stock for impending launches in other countries, including Canada. All three of Canada's major wireless providers — Bell, Rogers and Telus — have plans to sell the device, but that could be delayed if a recall is issued, Wong said.

Other observers said a ful [...]

Thanks, Admin,

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