Sunday, September 25, 2011

Happy third birthday, Chrome!

It's that time of the year again for the Chrome team, when we pause on our anniversary to reflect on the amazing life and times of the web. It's hard to believe that it's already been three years since we launched our open source web browser, Chrome.

In that time, the web community has continued to inspire us, bringing the power of the web into all kinds of apps and experiences, with all modern browsers making great strides in speed, simplicity and security. To pay homage to the goodness of the web, we've put together an interactive infographic, built in HTML5, which details the evolution of major web technologies and browsers:

(With thanks to our friends at Hyperakt, Vizzuality, mgmt design and GOOD)

In our third year, we've also brought Chrome's principles of speed, simplicity and security to a new model of computing: the Chromebook. The Chromebook is pure Chrome—a computer built for everything you ever need to do on the web while doing away with all the usual annoyances of an old, slow PC.

Here's a quick fly-by through the some of the highlights of the past 12 months on the Chrome platform:

Faster and faster

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