Friday, September 30, 2011

"The Obama Administration's hostility to oil and gas exploration is well known, but last week it took an especially fowl turn."

"The U.S. Attorney for North Dakota hauled seven oil and natural gas companies into federal court for killing 28 migratory birds that were found dead near oil waste lagoons. You may not be surprised to learn that the Administration isn't prosecuting wind companies for similar offenses."

But please take into account that they wind companies aren't killing the same number of birds. They're killing about 440,000 birds (a year). Only 15,714 times as many. What's the big deal? Have you no sense of proportion?

Isn't there some proposition — kind of like the "big lie" — that if you want to get away with something, doing it on a vast scale is a good strategy? There's some aphorism or famous quote that's just beyond my grasp, even using Google. Source - Althouse

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