Saturday, October 29, 2011

The New Libya: Assassination, Ruination, Broken Promises and Body Snatching...

Global Research
Felicity Arbuthnot

Saif Quaddafi
       "As usual, we swim in a pile of dishonorable politicians. An Arab poem describes how the rotten rubbish floats to the top of the water while all the gems - corals and precious fish - stay at the bottom." (An Arab friend.)

If events of the past few days are anything to go by, the UN-NATO insurgent allies are set to bring a grim, lawless, murderous and fundamentalist future to the "New Libya."

Polygamy is set to return as the disenfranchisement of women, the West's new friend and interim leader, Mr Jalil has declared. (He didn't put it quite like that, but the particular interpretation of Sharia Law he espouses, does.)

A country which had health, education and welfare services of which most could only dream(i) is also set to instantly revert fifty years. Flying King Idris' flag, Libya is being plunged seamlessly back to his era of illiteracy and neglect.

It will not get better. Britain is already demanding that bombarded, bereaved, largely broken Libya, pay compensation for its "liberation." No, not satire, see:ii.

Libya also has its very own Falluja, in the fled, dead and now destroyed city of Sirte [...]

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