Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Story of the Little Glutton for Kids | Little Glutton Short Story

Moral of the story       
Excess of everything is bad. 


In a distant village, lived a little glutton who was fond of eating sweets, candy and fried snacks. One day, he found an old magnifying glass in his backyard. He showed it to his mother and asked if he could keep it. As he liked it very much, the mother agreed and he kept the magnifying glass for himself. He saw a little ant and decided to use the glass to look at it. It was great! The ant looked huge. But as he took the glass away from ant, something odd happened. The ant remained of the same size that it looked through the magnifying glass. 

The boy was awestruck. He kept trying it again and again on anything and everything that excited him. Full of excitement and surprise, boy kept doing the same and everything that the boy looked at got bigger and stayed big.

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