Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bhaagon Waali 21st April 2011 Written Update

Runjhun takes water the bathroom for Guddu's bath. She puts her hand in the bucket to gauge the temperature. Since it's too hot, she turns on the cold water tap. Guddu comes and watches her. Kalsanwali watches them both. Guddu and Runjhun look at each other, and Runjhun is distracted from the water filling the bucket. Kalsanwali comments to herself that more that the tap water something else is flowing between the two. The bucket overflows and the water touches Runjhun's feet bringing her attention back to the bucket of water. She closes the tap and looks apologetic. Since the water is colder now, she grabs the bucket but Guddu stops her. He tells her that he needs the water to take bath. He tells her that weighted words from her mouth suit her, but carrying weight around like that isn't good for her. He says he can do the heavy lifting himself. He adds that if she gets injured or sprains her back then who will do all his work.

Runjhun tries to leave as Guddu tries to enter, and both come in each others way. They try moving but both move at the same time again. After the third try, Guddu sighs and stands aside as Runjhun tries to sneak out. He stops her and asks her if she found out who was responsible. Runjhun doesn't know what he's talking about so he explain that the culprit responsible for her saris ruination. Runjhun says she knows and asks him why he's inquiring. Guddu tells her to tell him as well, because then he can catch the culprit too. He says he won't leave the person. Runjhun reigns in her smile then looks at Guddu and says that it was her only. Guddu looks confused, then laughs and asks her if she's joking. Runjhun says that he never listens to her, and she had no other way of getting him to listen, so she lied. She apologizes to him for lying. Guddu doesn't say anything but isn't mad. Runjhun squeezes away and leaves. Guddu smiles to himself and closes the bathroom door.

Kalsanwali doesn't share their amusement. She says Mittho [...]

Thanks, Admin,

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