Thursday, April 21, 2011

Start Improving Environment From Home On Earth Day 2011

As the Earth Day 2011 is approaching on April 22nd, we can try to improve the greenery of the environment to a great extent from home. Since charity begins at home, why not start cleaning the environment right from your home itself. Just go through the following tips and see how easily Earth Day 2011 can be celebrated at home.

1.Recycling – Many items in our home can be used for recycling and they may be paper products, which may include catalogues, computer paper, junk mail, phone books, grocery bags, gift wraps and envelops. Some food packaging materials like cereal boxes, frozen food boxes can also be used for recycling. Then one can also find beverage containers having CA redemption value or CA cash refund plastic containers. Gather all these recyclables in the blue bin on this Earth Day 2011.

2. Replace Light Bulbs – When the incandescent bulbs get burnt out, immediately replace them with florescent light bulbs (CFL). This can be considered to be really a green approach as these bulbs are energy efficient and will help to save lot of energy in the long time.

3. Install a low-flow shower head – These showerheads cut down the amount of water that comes out when you are showering. You will feel the same volume of water coming out, except the fact that the water bill will be less.

4. Use your dryer less – Use the wonderful natural sun which is provided by nature to dry your clothes. Avoid using the dryer as it consumes huge amount of electricity. Thus by ditching the dryer, one can [...]

Thanks, Admin,

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